Am Summit Industrie 4.0 im Dezember 2019 wurde das europäische Horizon 2020-Forschungsprojekt MARKET 4.0 vorgestellt. Das Konsortium arbeitet seit über einem Jahr an der Entwicklung einer elektronischen Marktplattform für Industriegüter. Nunmehr ist das Stadium erreicht, die Plattform in Richtung auf die vielfältigen Bedürfnisse und Anwendungsfälle in der Industrie weiterzuentwickeln. Hierzu stehen Förderungen in der Gesamthöhe von 1,2 Mio EUR zur Verfügung.
The main objective of the MARKET4.0 open call #1 is to increase the MARKET4.0 ecosystem and alliance building. Through financial support to third parties, the MARKET4.0 platform will be populated with production equipment and services data by relevant production equipment suppliers as well as the MARKET4.0 platform will be enriched with offerings in terms of applications and services. Open call-1 asks for two types (Type A and Type B) of projects as explained hereafter.
Type A: Requests for projects addressing production equipment supplier companies that want to connect to the MARKET4.0 marketplace in one of the three domains (metal, plastics and high-tech), by installing and configuring IDS connectors and using domain-specific apps in order to populate with their data the MARKET4.0 platform. Proposals are expected from consortia consisting of at least three different partners such as production equipment companies together with software companies that undertake the implementation of the IDS connection part and could also offer additional services or apps to the MARKET4.0 marketplace. The production equipment supplier should be in one of MARKET4.0 domains (metal, plastics or high-tech). Type A projects will be funded with fixed lump-sums of 100 K€ for the whole project.
Type B: Requests for projects offering services and/or apps in order to extend the functionalities of existing production equipment domains (metal, plastics, and high-tech). In this type, the consortium consists of at least two partners such as software or technology provider company for offering additional application(s) or service(s) on top of the MARKET4.0 platform. It is expected that the applicants already have some solution in place and will receive funding for integrating their solutions through the MARKET4.0 platform. Type B projects will be funded with fixed lump-sums of 50 K€ for the whole project.
Interessenten sind eingeladen, ihren Projektvorschlag bis 28. Mai 2020 einzureichen. Nähere Informationen und alle Unterlagen unter: