
< 2021 >
  • OECD International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills
    Den ganzen Tag
    The 2021 OECD International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) brings together technical and policy experts to discuss the fast-evolving changes in AI capabilities and uptake and to assess their implications for labour markets and societies.
     AI is reshaping economies and societies across the world, offering new products and services, and promising to generate productivity gains, improve efficiency and lower costs. Currently it is playing a role in every stage of the fight against COVID-19, from scientific discovery and diagnostics to tracking the impact of the pandemic on societies and supporting remote learning and working. But the adoption of AI also raises questions and fuels anxieties, changing and perhaps accelerating the range of tasks that can be automated, and transforming the way work is carried out.
     As part of its AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) project, this conference aims to advance the policy debate so that the adoption of AI in the world of work can be effective, beneficial, people-centred and accepted by the population.
    For registration please follow the event link.
  • OECD International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills
    Den ganzen Tag
    The 2021 OECD International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) brings together technical and policy experts to discuss the fast-evolving changes in AI capabilities and uptake and to assess their implications for labour markets and societies.
     AI is reshaping economies and societies across the world, offering new products and services, and promising to generate productivity gains, improve efficiency and lower costs. Currently it is playing a role in every stage of the fight against COVID-19, from scientific discovery and diagnostics to tracking the impact of the pandemic on societies and supporting remote learning and working. But the adoption of AI also raises questions and fuels anxieties, changing and perhaps accelerating the range of tasks that can be automated, and transforming the way work is carried out.
     As part of its AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) project, this conference aims to advance the policy debate so that the adoption of AI in the world of work can be effective, beneficial, people-centred and accepted by the population.
    For registration please follow the event link.
  • OECD International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills
    Den ganzen Tag
    The 2021 OECD International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) brings together technical and policy experts to discuss the fast-evolving changes in AI capabilities and uptake and to assess their implications for labour markets and societies.
     AI is reshaping economies and societies across the world, offering new products and services, and promising to generate productivity gains, improve efficiency and lower costs. Currently it is playing a role in every stage of the fight against COVID-19, from scientific discovery and diagnostics to tracking the impact of the pandemic on societies and supporting remote learning and working. But the adoption of AI also raises questions and fuels anxieties, changing and perhaps accelerating the range of tasks that can be automated, and transforming the way work is carried out.
     As part of its AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) project, this conference aims to advance the policy debate so that the adoption of AI in the world of work can be effective, beneficial, people-centred and accepted by the population.
    For registration please follow the event link.
  • Datensouveränität in Industrie und Dienstleistung
    15:00 -16:00

    Datensouveränität in Industrie und Dienstleistung – die zukünftige Bedeutung virtueller Infrastrukturen für Datenökosysteme

    Webinar der International Data Spaces Association


    In dieser Live-Session erklären wir, was ‚virtuelle‘ Infrastrukturen sind und wie sie Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen helfen, die Kontrolle über ihre Daten zu behalten.

    Datenaustausch über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg birgt enormes Potenzial: Datenbasierte Geschäftsprozesse erzielen Mehrwert, digitale Geschäftsmodelle entfalten sich zu neuen Produkten und Dienstleistungen.

    Virtuelle Infrastrukturen sind die Voraussetzung für dezentralen Datenaustausch. Virtuelle Infrastrukturen setzen sich aus abgestimmten funktionalen, technischen, rechtlichen und operativen Vereinbarungen zusammen. Ihr Zusammenspiel macht es möglich, dass Datenaustausch sicher und selbstbestimmt ist: Der Datengeber hat die Kontrolle darüber, wer was in welchem Kontext mit seinen Daten machen darf. Wir nennen das Datensouveränität.

    Wir veranschaulichen Datensouveränität an zwei Praxisbeispielen aus Produktion und Logistik: Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie eine sichere Datenplattform Kunden und Dienstleister zusammenbringt und so innovative Automationsservices ermöglicht; und wir zeigen Ihnen, wie sicherer Datenaustausch Transportabläufe transparent macht und so Logistikprozesse beschleunigen.


    • 15:00 Uhr Begrüßung und Moderation, Karl Illing, INNOPAY Deutschland
    • 15:05 Uhr Einführung in Datensouveränität und virtuelle Dateninfrastruktur, Thorsten Hülsmann, International Data Spaces e. V.
    • 15:12 Uhr Datensouveränität in der Praxis I | Use Case „Horizontal Supply Chain Collaboration”, Alexander Aberle, SICK AG
    • 15:25 Uhr Datensouveränität in der Praxis II | Use Case „iSHARE“, Karl Illing, INNOPAY Deutschland
    • 15:40 Uhr Diskussion, Fragen, Antworten

    Die Live-Session wird auf Deutsch gehalten.

  • Technology Insight #7 – Halbleiterindustrie, Anwender und Anbieter für Industrie 4.0
    16:00 -17:00

    Am 3. Februar, 16:00-17:00, befassen wir uns in einem Technology Insight mit Neuigkeiten aus dem Bereich der Halbleiterindustrie.

    Der Input dazu wird von Infineon kommen: DI Stefan Rohringer ist bei Infineon stellvertretender Vorstand Technik und leitet das Entwicklungszentrum in Graz. Darüber hinaus engagiert sich Hr. Rohringer als Chairman bei ECSEL Austria und als Leiter der ExpertInnengruppe Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation bei uns.

    Folgende Themen werden im Technology Insight adressiert:

    • Angebot: Aktuelle (technologische) Entwicklungen im Bereich der Halbleiter mit Relevanz für die Industrie
    • Nachfrage: Industrie 4.0-Themen, die in (naher) Zukunft für die Hableiterindustrie relevant werden
    • Strategische Entscheidungen und österreichischer Status Quo (inkl. ECSEL Austria)

    Sollten Sie Interesse an einer Teilnahme haben, kontaktieren Sie bitte!

  • OECD International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills
    Den ganzen Tag
    The 2021 OECD International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) brings together technical and policy experts to discuss the fast-evolving changes in AI capabilities and uptake and to assess their implications for labour markets and societies.
     AI is reshaping economies and societies across the world, offering new products and services, and promising to generate productivity gains, improve efficiency and lower costs. Currently it is playing a role in every stage of the fight against COVID-19, from scientific discovery and diagnostics to tracking the impact of the pandemic on societies and supporting remote learning and working. But the adoption of AI also raises questions and fuels anxieties, changing and perhaps accelerating the range of tasks that can be automated, and transforming the way work is carried out.
     As part of its AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) project, this conference aims to advance the policy debate so that the adoption of AI in the world of work can be effective, beneficial, people-centred and accepted by the population.
    For registration please follow the event link.
  • OECD International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills
    Den ganzen Tag
    The 2021 OECD International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) brings together technical and policy experts to discuss the fast-evolving changes in AI capabilities and uptake and to assess their implications for labour markets and societies.
     AI is reshaping economies and societies across the world, offering new products and services, and promising to generate productivity gains, improve efficiency and lower costs. Currently it is playing a role in every stage of the fight against COVID-19, from scientific discovery and diagnostics to tracking the impact of the pandemic on societies and supporting remote learning and working. But the adoption of AI also raises questions and fuels anxieties, changing and perhaps accelerating the range of tasks that can be automated, and transforming the way work is carried out.
     As part of its AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS) project, this conference aims to advance the policy debate so that the adoption of AI in the world of work can be effective, beneficial, people-centred and accepted by the population.
    For registration please follow the event link.
  • Workshop Data Service Cards
    15:00 -17:00
    For people working on innovation and data driven business models we introduce the data service card tool in a practical workshop.

    About this Event

    Within the EU-Project Safe-Deed supporting tools for transforming data into business value have been developed and made publicly on Businessmakeover platform

    Learn to enhance or develop data-based services in a playful manner with the tool “Data Service Cards”. Use the 50 cards as inspiration in the development process of data-driven innovations. Within the workshop session we will show you how to identify and combine data sources, analysis methods, company and customer benefits and revenue opportunities systematically

    If you want to check out the tool in advance, navigate to:

  • SBA Research Conference & Bootcamp sec4dev
    Den ganzen Tag

    The sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp, located in Vienna, offers practical talks and workshops on secure software development.

    For more information and how to register please follow the event link.

  • GAIA-X Dialog
    15:00 -17:00

    Das BMK, die Data Intelligence Offensive, die Industriellenvereinigung, das EIT Manufacturing und die Plattform Industrie 4.0 laden sehr herzlich zu einem Workshop zu GAIA-X.
    GAIA-X ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer leistungs- und wettbewerbsfähigen, sicheren und vertrauenswürdigen Dateninfrastruktur für Europa und hat das Potenzial, den Austausch von Daten fundamental zu verändern.
    Im Rahmen dieses Workshops erfahren Sie aus erster Hand den aktuellen Status und das Potenzial von GAIA-X.


    15:00 Begrüßung, Michael Wiesmüller, BMK
    15:05 GAIA-X Impulsvortrag und Status Quo, Thomas Hahn, GAIA-X
    15:45 Datenökosysteme und Datenmärkte, Günther Tschabuschnig, DIO, ZAMG
    15:50 Data Space Smart Manufacturing, Friedrich Bleicher, TU Wien & JohannesHunschofsky, EIT-Manufacturing East GmbH
    16:00 Fragen und Antworten zu GAIA-X und DIO Initiativen
    17:00 voraussichtliches Ende


  • SBA Research Conference & Bootcamp sec4dev
    Den ganzen Tag

    The sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp, located in Vienna, offers practical talks and workshops on secure software development.

    For more information and how to register please follow the event link.

  • Prescriptive Analytics in Production
    16:00 -18:30

    Ein etablierter Ansatz im Bereich des Operations Research besteht in der Anwendung mathematischer Optimierungsverfahren und Metaheuristiken zur Optimierung von Produktionsaufgaben. Optimierungsziele bestehen typischerweise in Energieeffizienz, Durchsatz, Termintreue, Kosten, Qualität oder in einer multikriteriellen Kombination dieser oder ähnlicher Ziele. Prescriptive Analytics in der Produktion bedeutet die hybride Kombination derartiger Optimierungstechniken mit Simulation und maschinellem Lernen. Dies eröffnet gänzlich neue Perspektiven in Hinblick auf antizipative Planung und Wartung ebenso wie in Echtzeit lernfähige und reaktiv agierende Systeme.


    16.00 – 16.10 Come-together

    16.10 – 16.20 Begrüßung
    Dr. Sonja Mündl, Managerin Softwarepark Hagenberg
    FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Michael Affenzeller (Wissenschaftlicher Leiter Softwarepark Hagenberg)

    16.20 – 16.50 Keynote: „Predictive Modeling and Evolutionary Optimization for Efficient Product Quality Control“
    Prof. Dr. Bogdan Filipic, Senior Researcher and Head of Computational Intelligence Group, Department of Intelligent Systems – Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    16.50 – 17.10 Vortrag: „Dynamic Problems and Adaptive Optimization – How to Solve Optimization Problems in an Ever Changing World?“
    FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Wagner, Head of Josef Ressel Center adaptOp, Professor for Complex Software Systems

    17.10 – 17.30 Vortrag: „Prescriptive Analytics – An Industrial Perspective“
    Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Bögl, Mathematical Optimization, RISC Software GmbH

    17.30 – 18.15 Gemeinsame Diskussion
    FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Michael Affenzeller (Softwarepark Hagenberg), Prof. Dr. Bogdan Filipic (Jozef Stefan Institute), FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Wagner (Josef Ressel Center adaptOp), Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Bögl (RISC Software GmbH), DI (FH) Thomas Kern (TIMed Center)

    Moderation: DI (FH) Thomas Kern (Head of Center for Technological Innovation in Medicine, TIMed Center)


Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen

16. May

E-Players – Das Trendforum der Elektrobranche

23. May


24. May

Lange Nacht der Forschung – 24. Mai 2024

Summit Industrie 4.0