CEUP 2030 – International Policy Learning Lab “Artificial Intelligence”

2020-12-02 15:00 - 17:00

A Policy Learning Lab (PLL) provides insights on certain technologies and on policy instruments connected to those technologies. The goal of a PLL is to foster the knowledge of European policy makers and to connect European stakeholders in the area of Industry 4.0.

  • 15:00-15:10: Welcome, Overview on CEUP 2030
    Michael Fellner, Advisor, Association Association Industry 4.0 Austria
  • 15:10-15:30: AI – A European Perspective (EU)
    Juha Heikkilä, Head of Unit, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (Unit A.1), DG Connect
    As a representative of DG Connect, Mr. Heikkilä will talk about the European perspective on current developments regarding AI and about the development of policy instruments on the European level and at the European Commission.
  • 15:30-15:50: Policy Good Practice #1 – Development of “Trustworthy AI” in Austria (AT)
    Petra Huber, Program Manager Seed Financing, Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws)
    With the policy instrument „aws Digitalization” the promotional bank of the Austrian federal government offers a grant for Austrian companies developing AI. The aim of the policy instrument is to increase the number of trustworthy, innovative AI projects. Ms. Huber will describe the policy instrument and the approach of aws.
  • 15:50-16:10: Policy Good Practice #2 – AI Policy Instruments in Hungary (HU)
    Krisztina Bárdos, Managing Director, Scientific Association for Mechanical Engineering
    In Hungary, the Industry 4.0 government initiative provides the framework for policy instruments. Ms. Bárdos will provide an overview of the strategy and talk about the Hungarian policy instruments in regards to AI: Demonstration facilities, tracking/learning facilities and the Manufuture project.
  • 16:10-16:30: Policy Good Practice #3 – AI Support for SMEs in the Flemish Region (BE)
    Tom Mondelaers, Project Advisor Industry 4.0, Flemish Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)
    Through VLAIO, the Flemish government stimulates and supports innovation and entrepreneurship in Flanders. Mr. Mondelaers will present their policy instruments in regards to AI, focussing especially on policy instruments targeting SMEs and their adoption of AI.
  • 16:30-16:50: Policy Good Practice #4 – Supporting the commercialization of AI innovations “made in BW” (DE)
    Mascha Eckhardt, Economist „Industrial and Technology Policy, Digitalisation“, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing of the State of Baden-Württemberg
    The program “KI made in BW” was designed in order to push the development of AI as a key enabling technology for future economic competitiveness. Ms. Eckhardt will introduce the different policy instruments within the program, e.g. AI innovation park or AI competitions for SMEs.
  • 16:50-17:00: Wrap-Up and Summary
  • 17:00: End of Workshop


If you want to participate, please contact michael.fellner@plattformindustrie40.at!