For many companies, the digitization of production (“Industry 4.0”) means increased efficiency, resource efficiency, enhanced quality, new and improved business models, security solutions, new forms of organizations, digital assistance systems, changed competence requirements and much more. All in all, it means a great leap forward, if the full range of potential is exploited – and for small and large companies alike.

The main technological drivers are:

Ubiquitous software

Increasingly powerful processors and memory

Increasingly inexpensive sensors in end devices

A growing bandwidth availability

Exponentially growing data volumes

The merging of the real world with the digital world (cyber-physical systems, simulation,

digital twin, …)


With a production share of GDP of more than 22%, Austria is a country where industry is the basis of wealth. According to the World Economic Forum, we are one of the leading Industry 4.0 nations in the world.

We have a high level of specialized knowledge in many sectors, we have excellent education and training facilities and research institutions. The portfolio of public funding for R&D is very attractive, stable and well developed – also in international comparison. And last but not least there is a good and constructive basis for discussion between employees and employers.


Association Industry 4.0 Austria

Information about activities of Association Industry 4.0

Download: Factsheet Association Industry 4.0 Austria


Digitization is moving from a competitive advantage to a matter of course. To stand out from competition, more engagement will be needed in the coming years. An important factor on the company level is a careful selection of suitable technologies. Even more important is a deep understanding of Industry 4.0 among the workforce and a joint approach between employees and employers when it comes to implementing and using new technologies.

The increasing use of new technologies in production and the interconnection of systems results in increased demands on security systems in companies. SMEs in particular are challenged to build up security resources and know-how.  The platform’s practice-oriented guide uses concrete use cases to provide an overview of the most important threats to companies. In the following Cyber-Security Ecosystem Austria you will find an overview of important players from the areas of technology providers, capacity building, qualification, critical infrastructure and network building.